Tuesday, January 24, 2012

He’s back!

The first day of Personality Theory had some excellent moments that seemed to anticipate a very amusing semester.

Some quotes from my teacher:

“I’m struck by how lame the disciples were.”

“I love beer. I think beer is awesome. I haven’t had a beer in 18 years!”

But the best was this kid in the back.  He made a comment fifteen times the first day of this 75 minute class.  It’s a class of about 40, so it’s not like it was a huge auditorium, but still, that’s an outrageous amounts of comments. 


My very favorite part though, was on the 11th comment, he prefaced his comment by saying:

“Sorry I didn’t raise my hand in awhile, but…”

What?? I couldn’t hold it in, and burst out in silent laughter with Michelle for the rest of the class.

Anyway, Michelle and I were excited to keep a tally of all his comments during the semester.  But the next class he didn’t show up.  How disappointing.  I thought that I had forgotten what he looked like, and he just decided not to make so many comments, but over the next two weeks, I had to conclude that he was no longer in the class.

Until today.  The top corner of my paper today looks like this:

He’s back!!!  image imageimage

Yes! So glad that this boy is back in the class after a ridiculously long absence.  We’ve missed your comments, dear friend, although maybe not for the most pure of reasons.

(Note: I can’t really talk though.  This role is usually me.  I have a great ability to zone out and then hear silence in the class and be able to search back in my memory to figure out what I should say.  It has saved me from many a teacher hating me.  However, I don’t think I’ve ever made more than 50% of the comments in the class. The beginning of this video is me. Well, mostly the line about answering while the rest of the class zones out.)