Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kaitlan’s Birthday

Kaitlan loves her birthday.  Perhaps even more than Kara does/used to.  Therefore Kate and I decided to have an entire weekend of birthday celebrations to celebrate her birth.


Her friend Nicole got her an edible arrangement.  Lucky!  Kaitlan has always wanted one, so she loved it!


Kate and I made her a really ugly t-shirt with our faces on it and a dream catcher making kit. And decorated her apartment.


Thursday night, her actual birthday, we went to Zupas as roommates and had some friends over to play endless games of Monopoly Deal.




On Friday night, about 9 of us went to this fireworks show in Fairfield, UT.  I was excited when I found out that Fairfield is the town that used to be called Frogtown and was the gentile town where Johnston’s army was stationed in the Utah War. 

The idea of this fireworks show was that a guy in Fairfield has a fireworks factory and so when the police commandeer illegal fireworks, they give them to this guy.  He is one of the only ones in Utah that has a burn permit, so he wanted to have a huge fireworks show with all those fireworks.

We got there right before it started, and weren’t sure we were in the right place, because although there were police cars everywhere (which we expected), it sort of seemed like a family reunion.  I helped myself to some of their hot chocolate and rolls though.  We never really figured out if that was where we were supposed to be, but then the show started and we went out to watch it on the car.  Unfortunately, the other car got extremely lost and never actually found the fireworks show, so poor Lance got stuck with us three girls.


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We loved the fireworks show, but couldn’t figure out if it was any different than a normal fireworks show so we were slightly disappointed.  However, as we were driving away we looked back saw a burning pit of terror.  At first we thought something had gone wrong, but then we realized that these were the illegal fireworks, all being lit at once.

I didn’t get very good pictures, but here’s kind of what it looked like.



On Saturday, they went to Divine Comedy while I hung out with Mom and the Hoffmans, and then on Sunday, a whole bunch of people came over to their apartment for cake and snacks. 

I’m glad that Kaitlan loves her birthday so much, because it was so much more fun than my birthday when the activities were fun but I was super lame the whole time.  Thanks Kaitlan!