Monday, September 27, 2010

He’s saved in my phone as “Nick Marb Guy”

I got asked out by a random guy on campus today. I hear about these stories all the time, but it’s never happened to me.

I was walking into the MARB and this guy just started talking to me. We talked for a minute or two, and then he asked me if he could get my number because he’d “like to get to know me better”. I didn’t see any harm, and I was kind of shocked, so I gave it to him.

We’re going on a date on Wednesday. We’re just going to walk around campus. I’ll be sure to have something I “need” to do in case it’s super weird. He’s sort of “strait off his mission” kind of awkward, although it’s probably just him.

We shall see!


  1. this is heidi and diane. you have been blog stalked.

  2. cool. make sure you always walk by one of those red speaker buttons. Walk really slow by them and then walk really fast until you get close to the next one!

  3. Please give us a date update! This guy has guts.
