Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hardest Word Verification Ever

My friend Diane started a blog this weekend, due to much pressure from her roommate, Heidi and I.  Blogs are the best things ever. 

I tried leaving a comment on her blog, and had to get through the Himalayan security they had.

Word Verification.


I got it right on the first try. But still, they could at least separate the letters!!

(P.S. Sorry for the abrupt change in how I write on this blog. [i.e. lack of pictures every post] I think it’s from reading so many blogs from my friends in the ward that don’t use a lot of pictures and just write funny things. I enjoy reading those, so I’ve started to change the way I treat this blog. But I promise I’ll have pictures up soon Kara and Mom!)


  1. the ones that have all those lines and spots going through them (not on blogger) are way harder. I think they are on the pampers or huggies website. ha. Good thing we took a bunch of pictures of you tonight on the webcam to make up for your lack of pictures on this one!

  2. Thank you and just in time for me not having any due to my lack of memory haha
