Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It was so awkward to date you

Ah Singles Ward Talent Shows.  Don’t you miss them? 

Kate and Kaitlan’s ward’s talent show was last week.  For a long time, we’ve been planning on writing a parody to Taylor Swift’s “Enchanted,” changing the main line from “It was enchanting to meet you” to “It was so awkward to date you.” 

We thought it was a brilliant plan.  Everyone loves a good joke about Provo dating.  Problem was that whenever we tried to write it, we

just sounded like snobs, and that was definitely not what we wanted.

So weeks went by and we never got very far on it. Finally we just pounded it out in a matter of an hour or so. Maybe not the best lyrics ever, but hopefully not as snobby as it potentially could have sounded.

Kate and Kaitlan really wanted wigs, so they bought us some sweet Taylor Swift wigs. Unfortunately I never got a picture of us with the wigs.

Not that it would have mattered, because everything but 5 pictures got erased off my memory card from that night, something I’m really disappointed in. So we don’t have a video from us performing it on stage, which really stinks. The only video I got was us practicing in front of Jeff and his roommates. Not a great video, but at least you can see 2 of our wigs and you can actually hear us a lot better than you could in the real video. Enjoy!



  1. Loved this - it's like a camp roll call on steroids. ;) xoxo

  2. That is hilarious! I love it! It cracks me up! YOu guys are the best and sooooo Taylor Swiftish!!!
