Yay Conference weekend! Grandma and Grandpa Hatch were awesome and got us tickets for all of the sessions. Jamie didn’t want to come up Saturday so it was just Jeff and I with all the extended family.
This is Jeff and I waiting in line to get it.
Conference on Saturday was awesome. The talks were amazing. I think it’s interesting that the general theme of conference this year was parenting. I really loved Sister Beck’s talk. She’s awesome because she doesn’t talk like she’s addressing little children, like I think some of the other women do when they give talks.
Grandma was nice and fed us all lunch. We went to Ladies Night at Deseret Book. Grandma and Grandpa let us each choose out a book. I chose A History of Joseph Smith by His Mother. It’s an awesome book. I highly recommend it. Jeff got to go to Priesthood session with Grandpa and got to meet lots of really interesting people. Lucky him!
On Sunday, Jeff and I went up after the first session. Jamie had gone up earlier that morning with Callei and Andrew. Cydney brought her boyfriend, Piers.
This is Cydney, Piers, Jeff and I.
Marcia was awesome and let us all come up for Easter dinner. It was so delicious. She made pretty much every food item possible. It was like Christmas and Thanksgiving in one. :)
We played games and talked and Marcia gave us a conference quiz.
On Tuesday, Jeff and I went up to the Jazz game. (I had won tickets for this game a couple weeks ago). We also went to California Pizza Kitchen and got milkshakes at In N Out!
The game was so good! Jeff and I got there right as half time was starting so we had to watch awkward kids dance. The game was very exciting though and our seats were really good. It was fun for the game to go into overtime. And win!
This picture is when we stopped to get some ice cream. We thought this tiny little house thing was funny. Curry in a Hurry? Gross.