Monday, March 26, 2012


This face pretty much describes our croquet experience last week:


Our friend Eric was nice enough to invite us to play Croquet with us.  We all dressed like preps and then proceeded to  break practically everything in the set.  It was a cheap set, but between Kaitlan, Jeff, and I, three different pieces to the game.  They were accidents, but we definitely could have avoided all of them.  Poor Eric…  The guy lets us play with him and then we break everything.

Jeff won but I was a close second.  Josh D and Eric came in last while Kate and Kaitlan forfeited about halfway through to do handstands.  Still not really converted to croquet but it was a very interesting experience.



  1. Where are YOUR prep clothes? And are those prep clothes to CA boy? haha I like croquet - let's play at the reunion! You can invite your friends to demonstrate!

  2. I love it too. Adopt me so I can come to the reunion and play croquet. :)
